Private Label

  • History of private labels

    Wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019

    Poland has undergone a crash course in experiencing private labels. The first encounter resulted from private, “non-corporate” imports of the cheapest “PL-class” products from discount stores of West Berlin and Vienna. Read more »

  • Private labels comprise a growing segment of the food market and are developing dynamically. Formerly, the only things they used to be associated with were low prices and essential products. Today, they are diverse items of high quality yet affordable. Read more »

  • Quo vadis, private label?

    Wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019

    In recent years, the global market has been recording an intense growth in shares of private labels in the entire FMCG sales. Private label is a concept that has been present in trade since the late 19th century. The economic factor has been underlying for the attractiveness of private labels, yet today consumers no longer associate them merely with cheap counterparts to branded products. Read more »

  • Private label is simply profitable

    Piątek, 27 kwietnia 2018

    With a good deal of success, there has been steady development of the business model of custom-made products manufactured under the brand of another company. This is a worldwide occurrence and Asian economies, which are celebrating triumphs today, have built their power base on this strategy to a significant degree – and are still building (producing for, among others, Polish companies). This... Read more »

  • Challenges and opportunities facing private label

    Poniedziałek, 23 kwietnia 2018

    The popularity of private label keeps growing across Europe. The latest Nielsen data shows that market share for retailer brands has climbed to all-time highs in 9 European countries and for the first time stands at 30% or above in 15 of the 20 countries tracked for PLMA’s International Private Label Yearbook. Read more »

  • Private labels, i.e. brands of goods manufactured on commission from retail chains, still have dual associations for consumers. Read more »

  • Suppliers see growth ahead for private label

    Poniedziałek, 23 kwietnia 2018

    Competition across Europe may be very difficult, but private label suppliers are optimistic about their prospects for growth in the years ahead. A new PLMA survey of 567 manufacturers from 36 countries found that 88% of them say they are optimistic about the outlook for overall growth of retailer brands. Read more »

  • Commentary - Carrefour Polska

    Poniedziałek, 12 czerwca 2017

    It is estimated that approximately a third of the products in Poland are created for private labels of trade chains. This means that in comparison with such countries as Spain or Switzerland, where this ratio amounts to 50%, the Polish private label market shows a potential for growth. Further development of private labels in our country is affected by changing consumer trends. Customers have... Read more »

  • The primary advantage of a private label is that it enables both the manufacturer and the brand owner to build their image as providers of quality and affordable goods, and to promote their brand identity on the domestic and foreign markets. Read more »

  • Maria Andrzej Faliński, General Manager of POHiD

    Poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2015

    Private label goods are enjoying success around the world, somehow following the steps of the concentration processes of markets and competitive battles, assuming good price and high quality. Private label, competing in terms of price, ceases to be a synonym of absolutely lower prices – these are good value products in all price positions: from economy to premium. This is the case both in... Read more »

  • Press Office of Jeronimo Martins Polska S.A

    Poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2015

    Initially, private labels were treated as “cheap alternatives” for brands. For many years this stereotype has not been reflected in the offer of Biedronka. Collective effort made with the producers in the development of private labels, their quality, packaging and positioning, resulted in customers often treating private labels as brands. Read more »

  • Michał Sikora, Tesco Polska Press Officer

    Poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2015

    Today, as many as 97% of customers in Poland willingly buy private label products. As many as 83% of them appreciate the low price of the products, while 64% of customers mentioned the good price / quality relationship. Therefore, there is no wonder that private label products constitute such an important category for all retail chains. Read more »

  • The report entitled “How we perceive private labels – private label development perspectives in Poland”*, prepared by the On Board Group with participation of experts from the National Chamber of Commerce, Polish Chamber of Commerce and research company SW Research, answers the question of what private labels mean today. We analyse their social perception. The results of the report... Read more »

  • The subject of private labels still gives rise to various emotions, both among producers and commercial networks. In your opinion, will private labels continue to develop this dynamically in Poland? Read more »

  • Polish private label products enjoy a strong position both on domestic as well as overseas markets. According to forecasts this strong position will become even stronger with each year. A great opportunity for expansion of Polish private label products overseas is participating in the PLMA trade fair, held in Amsterdam each year. The high quality of Polish products and flexibility in... Read more »

  • Polish Private Labels abroad

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Throughout last years Brand Products offered by Polish manufacturers have been enjoying a great success not only on the domestic market, but also among foreign consumers. This trend progresses today, therefore it is essential to know remarkable offer of Polish products. Read more »

  • Poland tastes good!

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Some time ago basic products were the only type of products sent overseas by Polish manufacturers, mainly cereal and fruits. Today everything looks different. Read more »

  • Getting along with private label

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Maria Andrzej Faliński, General Director, Polish Organization of Commerce and Distribution (POHiD) Read more »

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