Promotion of Polish products on international markets

Friday, 10 February, 2023 Food From Poland 40/2023
Agri-food products from Poland enjoy unwavering popularity on international markets. The value of Polish exports is on the rise every year and Polish producers are actively seeking out new markets to expand into. They are supported in this endeavour by state institutions. One of these institutions is the National Support Centre for Agriculture.
The National Support Centre for Agriculture (the KOWR), is a governmental agency that works under the supervision of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The KOWR implements promotion policies in the agri-food sector in Poland. One of the main responsibilities of the KOWR is to  build a positive image and develop recognition of Polish food abroad under the brand ‘POLAND TASTES GOOD’.

The brand ‘POLAND TASTES GOOD’ stands for excellent taste and is associated with Polish food products of the highest quality. It is also a response to the growing demand for healthy food that is produced in harmony with the environment, using traditional techniques and production methods.

Under the common brand ‘POLAND TASTES GOOD’, the KOWR supports Polish agri-food entrepreneurs in their efforts to expand into new markets. To this end, the institution organises trade missions and national stands at international food fairs. Polish entrepreneurs are provided with assistance from the KOWR, starting with organisational and logistical aspects, through the organisation of visits to trade outlets, to the arrangement of business meetings. With this support, Polish companies could participate, as a part of Polish national stands, in 19 trade fairs in 17 countries in 2022. These included European countries such as Germany, France and the UK, but also many Asian destinations such as Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and other.

The KOWR’s task – connecting potential business partners in the agri-food sector, both Polish and foreign – is carried out also during trade missions to Poland of food importers, distributors, and representatives of foreign retail chains. These missions include business meetings with Polish food producers and tours of agri-food processing plants. Such visits are of great value for both parties, as they provide visiting entrepreneurs with a deeper understanding of the Polish market and open up an opportunity for direct communication with producers. They often give a close-up look at the entire production process, allowing the guests to see them with their own eyes.

The KOWR organises and co-organizes various events to promote Polish food and culinary tradition. It also participates in organisation of events held abroad by Polish diplomatic missions, foreign organisations, chambers of commerce, and other governmental institutions with a view to promoting high-quality Polish food. In Poland, the KOWR cooperates with foreign diplomatic missions. It also supports Polish trade and inter-trade organisations in implementing promotion and information programmes accepted by the European Commission under the EU’s common agricultural policy.

The KOWR also promotes Polish food in other forms in traditional and digital media. This includes co-operating with food journalists, experts and influencers from different countries. In 2022, the KOWR organised once again a study tour for food bloggers. During the visit, the foreign guests were given an opportunity to explore the culinary traditions of four different regions in Poland: Warmia and Masuria, Podlasie, Lubelszczyzna and Mazovia. Over the course of several days participants from Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Belgium, and the Netherlands explored the abundance of Polish culinary culture and shared their experience in real-time on their social media profiles. Their followers were able to join in on their journey and stay updated on their experiences, as if they were travelling alongside them. Such promotional activities allow for reaching a vast audience all around the world. They not only encourage people outside Poland to purchase Polish products, but also to visit the country and experience for themselves that Poland tastes good.

As a further way of supporting entrepreneurs in the process of undertaking export activity on foreign markets, the KOWR organizes information and training seminars that cover topics such as market conditions and principles of doing business. These meetings often feature guest speakers from other countries, including potential importers of Polish food, to provide valuable insights and advice.

Acting in many fields and maintaining consistent communication, the National Support Centre for Agriculture contributes to the increasing recognition of Poland’s agri-food offer. The KOWR is committed to follow the latest promotion trends in order to effectively meet the changing needs of Polish producers and exporters. The common brand ‘POLAND TASTES GOOD’ has become recognisable and is attracting new enthusiasts, who have already learned that Polish food is undoubtedly an attractive proposition for potential customers around the world.

Please feel invited to visit the dedicated website
‘Poland tastes good’


tagi: food market , sales , trade , consumer , FMCG , wholesale , retail , food products , news , new products , food industry , retail chains , grocery stores , Poland ,