Polish food companies

Bogutti Sp. z o.o.

Friday, 14 October, 2022 Food From Poland 39/2022
Bogutti is a family company from Poland which specialises in manufacturing high-quality cookies and fudges. The company is thriving and expanding into new markets on many continents.
Bogutti owns brands La Gustosa, Weeksy, Tweett, Choco Gutti, ChocoFit, Cookies in American Style, Next, Free and Bogutti Fudges.

It’s also the significant supplier for retail chains, both in Poland and abroad. The products are valued for their quality, impeccable flavours and also for being kosher and halal.

More information at bogutti.com

Bogutti Sp. z  o.o.
48 Gromadzka Street
05-504 Henryków-Urocze, Poland
Export Department:
+48 603 956 466, +48 601 704 404, +48 783 956 466
Internal Sales Dep.:

tagi: Bogutti , food market , sales , trade , consumer , FMCG , wholesale , retail , food products , news , new products , food industry , retail chains , grocery stores , Poland ,