Polish food companies

P.P.H Ewa-Bis Sp. z. o. o.

Monday, 14 February, 2022
The Ewa Bis company was established in 1987 in Warsaw. The company is a part of Ewa Bis Group bringing together 14 companies from seven countries: Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates and Canada. Ewa Bis exports to over 60 countries around the world. The company is one of the largest Polish exporters. In 2020 Ewa Bis generated 60 million EURO in sales revenue.
Ewa Bis offers conventional and organic products to food industry, the retail trade and HORECA business, such as: Fresh Fruits & Vegetables; Frozen Fruits & Vegetables; NFC Juices, Juice Concentrates; Fruit and Vegetables Purees; Dairy Products (including Cheese, Powdered Milk, UHT Milk); Frozen Meat; FMCG brands.

25 Serwituty Street
02-233 Warsaw, Poland

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